To learn more about race and how kids learn about race, take a look at these resources:
National SEED Project – White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack
“Check It Out” Box Websites:
- How Do We Fund Our Schools? (page 10)
- Implicit Association Video (page 12)
- Implicit Association Test (page 12)
- Bias
- the belief that some people or ideas are better than others, usually resulting in unfair treatment
- Biological race
- physical racial features such as skin color, hair textures, and facial features
- Explicit racism/bias
- racism that is plainly expressed through words and or actions
- Implicit racism/bias
- racism that hides in our unconscious biases and gets expressed in our actions
- Racism
- the beliefs and practices that uphold and reinforce inequalities based on race
- Social identity
- a person’s sense of self that is based on group membership
- Social race
- The social norms, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that accompany racial groups
- Systemic racism
- policies, practices, and laws that reinforce social inequalities by discriminating against groups of people, either directly or indirectly, and limiting their rights