
Thank you for completing I-LABS Module 10.


What is your role? Check all that apply.

Will the information in this module help you improve your work with children and families?

Please mark to what extent you agree with the following statement: Viewing this module helped me feel aware of ways to use research to inform my work. (optional)


Please type the above code exactly as it appears.

Please click the blue Submit button below to log your responses.









  • Back-and-forth or contingent interactions
    exchanges where a caregiver times her responses to a child’s behavior
    Canonical babbling
    producing the same consonant and vowel over and over, such as dadada
    Infant-directed speech
    a special tone and style of speech used to talk to young children. It’s also called parentese
    Joint attention
    shared attention between social partners to an object or event
    using a word to describe more object categories than it actually represents
    failing to extend a word to other objects in the same category
    Vocabulary spurt
    rapid growth in word learning