
Thank you for completing I-LABS Module 15.


What is your role? Check all that apply.

Will the information in this module help you improve your work with children and families?

Please mark to what extent you agree with the following statement: Viewing this module helped me feel aware of ways to use research to inform my work. (optional)


Please type the above code exactly as it appears.

Please click the blue Submit button below to log your responses.









  • Beat
    the regular pulse of music
    Electroencephalography (EEG)
    a non-invasive method used to measure electrical activity in the brain
    Executive function
    a set of mental abilities that help us focus attention, remember information, and switch between tasks
    Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
    a non-invasive brain imaging technique used to determine which regions of the brain are active
    a grouping of beats with specific patterns
    the ability to change how neurons in our brain are connected to each other
    the measure of how high or low we perceive sounds to be
    Pro-social behavior
    actions that are intended to help others
    Synchronized movement
    movements that occur in sync with musical beats and, or with other people
    the quality of a musical sound or voice that allows us to tell the differences between instruments or voices